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Svoboda 1945: Liberation – Download game for iOS


Game overviewSvoboda 1945: Liberation blends adventure gaming, full-motion video interviews, and interactive memories of World War 2 survivors, uncovering hidden family legacies and confronting post-war ideologies.

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Svoboda 1945: Liberation is a masterpiece that has been praised with a phenomenal 95 out of 100 score. According to Games.cz, this game has the ability to inspire, educate and amaze. It is a one-of-a-kind adventure game filled with real-life interviews, interactive memories, and historically-precise elements. Your mission takes you to the quaint village of Svoboda near the Czech-German border, where you must unravel the mystery of an old feud. It soon becomes clear that the feud is linked to the aftermath of World War 2 and the rise of a communist dictatorship. The plot thickens when you discover an old photograph of your grandfather, making you wonder if he was involved somehow. The game's in-depth dialogues are insightful, insightful, and emotional. Each choice you make is essential as you talk to different people who have witnessed the horrors of war firsthand. How do you start a conversation with someone who has lost a friend in battle? Or comfort a person who was expelled as a child and is now returning for the first time to their hometown? Svoboda 1945: Liberation brilliantly captures vivid memories of the witnesses through atmospheric mini-games. Develop old photos to uncover the details of tragic events, try to keep your farm running during communist terror, or play cards during historic elections. This game uncovers the hidden tr7up Downuth about your grandfather, and lets you confront the question of whether the end of the war justifies the violence that followed it. Explore historic material, footage, and memorabilia stored in various places full of remnants that await in Svoboda 1945: Liberation. The award-winning Attentat 1942 inspired the creation of this game, which has been written in collaboration with a team of professional historians. Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience.Show more
